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Stainless Steel Flat Top Griddle with Handles

Stainless Steel Flat Top Griddle with Handles

Regular price $164.99 USD
Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $164.99 USD
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Function: Flat Top Griddle

Material: Stainless Steel

Item Dimension: 36" x 22"; 32" x 17"; 18" x 16"

Suitable For: Outdoor BBQ

Use: Over Electric Griddles, Gas Stoves, and Charcoals


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Product Description

Features & Details

  • 【PREMIUM MATERIAL】- Made of high-quality stainless steel material, high-temperature resistance, durable and sturdy to use. Our flat top griddle can stand up for a longer working period.

  • 【LARGE SIZE】- Length:15.7”/31.9”/ 35.8”; Width: 18.1”/16.9”/22”. This stainless steel griddle is great for sitting on your charcoal or gas grill to cook all kinds of food. Large enough to cook kinds of foods together.

  • 【GREASE GROOVE WITH HOLE】- Reasonable-size grease groove at the front can accommodate food residues and collect oil while cooking, makes cleanup a snap. The griddle grill is designed with a drain hole, which can let oil residues through.

  • 【CONSIDERATE DETAIL】- Heightened Sidewalls, ideal for dishes flipping and turning, keep food on griddle. Convenient handles mounted on two sides, easy to move. The surface is non-stick and easy to clean.

  • 【WIDE APPLICAITON】- This griddle for grill can be used on electric griddles, gas stoves, and charcoals. Fits perfectly over Triple burner stand for the most even heat distribution. Able to cook pancakes, bacon, eggs, vegetables, shrimps, salmon, etc.

Key Features

  • Stainless Steel Material

    Adopts thickened stainless steel material(2.5mm in thickness), durable, against heat, and not easy to deform. Easy to clean and maintain.

  • Large Surface

    With 15.7 x 18.1 /31.9 x 16.9/35.8 x 22 inch large surface, ideal for cooking pancakes, bacon, eggs, vegetables, and practically any type of food. Easily handle daily use, busy kitchens.

  • Grease Groove

    Equipped with the grease groove, which can catch the grease/oil. A drain hole mounted on the grease groove, you just need to put bags or containers below to catch the oil residues.

  • Heightened Sidewalls

    The raised edge around is for easy dishes flipping and turning, no need to worry about the food spilling during the flip.

  • Convenient Handles

    Two rectangular handles on both sides allow you to easily move it from place to place. Light weight, make it portable and easy to store.

  • Wide Usage

    Ideal for using over electric griddles, gas stoves, and charcoals. Widely used in camps, parties and other outdoor activities.

18x16 Inch Flat Top Griddle
Here we offer you a stainless steel flat top griddle. It is great for sitting on your charcoal or gas grill to cook all kinds of food. Cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner outdoors, keep your kitchen clean from oily fume, and free from lingering odors. With this, you can cook pancakes, bacon, eggs, vegetables, shrimps, salmon, and so on. Ideal for camping, party, BBQ, and other activities.
  • Stainless Steel Material

  • Large Surface

  • Considerate Design

  • Wide Application

  • Material: Stainless Steel

  • Color: Silver

  • Item Dimension: 40 x 46 x 5.6 cm/15.7 x 18.1 x 2.2 inch

  • Packing Weight: 6 kg/14 lbs

Package Content
  • 1 x Flat Top Griddle

  • 2 x Shovels

32x17 Inch Flat Top Griddle
Here we offer you a stainless steel flat top griddle. It is great for sitting on your charcoal or gas grill to cook all kinds of food. Cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner outdoors, keep your kitchen clean from oily fume, and free from lingering odors. With this, you can cook pancakes, bacon, eggs, vegetables, shrimps, salmon, and so on. Ideal for camping, party, BBQ, and other activities.
  • Stainless Steel Material

  • Large Surface

  • Considerate Design

  • Wide Application

  • Material: Stainless Steel

  • Color: Silver

  • Item Dimension:81 x 43 x 5.6 cm/31.9 x 16.9 x 2.2 inch

  • Packing Weight: 12kg/27lbs

Package Content
  • 1 x Flat Top Griddle

  • 2 x Shovels

36x22 Inch Flat Top Griddle
Here we offer you a stainless steel flat top griddle. It is great for sitting on your charcoal or gas grill to cook all kinds of food. Cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner outdoors, keep your kitchen clean from oily fume, and free from lingering odors. With this, you can cook pancakes, bacon, eggs, vegetables, shrimps, salmon, and so on. Ideal for camping, party, BBQ, and other activities.
  • Stainless Steel Material

  • Large Surface

  • Considerate Design

  • Wide Application

  • Material: Stainless Steel

  • Color: Silver

  • Item Dimension: 91 x 56 x 5.6 cm/ 35.8 x 22 x 2.2 inch

  • Gross weight: 18 kg/ 40 lbs

Package Content
  • 1 x Universal Griddle Flat Top

  • 2 x Detachable Handles

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